Kopf Carriers

KOPF Carrier #35 | June 1993
Technique for the Cannulation of the Lateral Ventricle of the Brain in Swine

KOPF Carrier #34 | March 1993
Eyeblink Conditioning In The Restrained Rat: A Novel Preparation

KOPF Carrier #33 | December 1992
Construction of a Microelectrode Probe Device for Interfacing with the Nervous System

KOPF Carrier #32 | September 1992
An Easily Fabricated Electrode Holder for Voltammetric and Electrophysiological Recordings from Awake, Behaving Rats

KOPF Carrier #31 | April 1992
Measurement of Cranial Bone Mobility

KOPF Carrier #30 | January 1992
Techniques Used for Neural Recording From Awake, Behaving or Anesthetized Animals, Part 2

KOPF Carrier #29 | October 1991
Techniques Used for Neural Recording From Awake, Behaving or Anesthetized Animals

KOPF Carrier #28 | May 1991
The Horsley-Clarke Stereotaxic Instrument: The First Three Instruments

KOPF Carrier #27 | October 1990
The Horsley-Clarke Stereotaxic Instrument: The Beginning

KOPF Carrier #26 | July 1990
Plastination of Neuroanatomical and Anatomical Specimens

KOPF Carrier #25 | April 1990
A Microdialysis Probe for Recovery Of Neurotransmitters from the Spinal Cord

KOPF Carrier #24 | January 1990
The Bone Finder: A Simple Device for Improving the Accuracy of Deep Stereotaxic Placements

KOPF Carrier #23 | October 1989
A Brain Blocker/Slicer for the Stereotaxic Plane of the Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates

KOPF Carrier #22 | July 1989
A Sliding Ventilating Chamber and Snout Clamp to Fix Small Animals in a Kopf Stereotaxic Instrument

KOPF Carrier #21 | March 1989
A Mask for Rabbit Stereotaxic Gas Anesthesia

KOPF Carrier #20 | October 1988