This compilation of references to stereotaxic atlases and related materials is presented by David Kopf Instruments as an aid to those researchers in the Neurosciences, Psychology, and related fields who are investigating the wonders of the brain. The major goal of the manual is to provide access to stereotaxic atlases which are not easily found and to give new investigators a place to find the materials they need to begin their studies.

The listings presented here include not only stereotaxic atlases, but references which the editors felt would be helpful to users in providing other ancillary techniques and methods related to stereotaxic technique. There are references to articles and other works which do not necessarily contain stereotaxic coordinates, but which would assist the investigator in finding various brain structures in the numerous animals included. The compilation includes no references to human stereotaxy, as this is a huge field in itself and is generally directed toward different goals.

The references are not annotated due to their volume and complexity. It will be up to the investigator to obtain the materials in which they are interested and judge the usefulness for a particular task.

David Kopf Instruments cannot supply copies of the articles and books presented here.

Although we have tried to present a fairly comprehensive listing of relevant articles, it is a given that we have missed some, and know that more will be appearing in the future. We would very much appreciate it if readers and users of this listing would alert David Kopf Instruments of references which they feel would be useful additions to future editions of the listing. These suggestions may be sent to David Kopf Instruments, or to Michael M. Patterson, at the addresses given below.

We would like to thank Nancy Barber for her cheerful and efficient help in preparing earlier editions this compilation and in proofing it. Louise H. Marshall, Ph.D. was the driving force behind the material contained in the first edition of these references. To her, we owe a great deal. Any errors remaining are the responsibility of Michael M. Patterson, and will be cheerfully corrected if we know about them, in future editions. If you find that a reference is not correct, please let us know and we will attempt to find the correct information, or happily receive the correct information from you. Also, we would like to hear your suggestions about how to make the listing more useful to you, the user.

David Kopf Instruments
P.O. Box 636
Tujunga, CA 91043

Phone: 818-352-3274
Toll Free: 877-352-3275
FAX: 818-352-3139